Why is it so hard?
01/07/2024What is in a quote?
01/21/2024We have spoken before about how to get yourself writing again. One of those ways was being creative in your journal/diary. You will see in the photo next to this - some of the elements I used to create the page. I truly enjoy creative journaling because as I am putting the pieces together on the page, I am getting all kinds of images and things to write about. So, I always have a notebook next to me that I write them down in. We will be adding videos to the website that will show the process of journaling that we use. If you are interested in that, please be sure to check back.
Now, there are other ways to be creative as well. Which, I am sure you all have amazing talents, just waiting to be discovered. Between the two of us, we like, painting, ceramics, mixed media, 3d art, creative journaling, drawing, and diamond painting. If you are interested in seeing any of these that we use to get our imaginations pumping, then please let us know and we will be sure to add them to the list.
Do not be afraid to try something new, to reenergize that spark and get back to writing. Taking a break and doing something else is so very important, which we will talk about next.
A break can be many things. The way you choose to take that break is absolutely up to you. I would like to give some options to try. If you find one that you really enjoy, stick with it and keep doing it. Remember, that you do not need to be like everyone else, because everyone else is already taken (yes you will hear that a lot around here).
Painting- this does not have to be on a canvas. This can be painting anything. Such as - Art journal pages, ceramics, 3d prints, 3d art/repurposed items found.
Journaling - add some textures to your pages before writing in them. As you can see by the ones posted here. You can literally use anything. You can even sew the pages.
3D Art - these can be done on anything as well. From cards, to canvas, along with scrapbook pages, and ATC cards to exchange with other writers.
Now, let's talk about some other breaks to take. These are always enjoyable to me and helps to clear the mind for better focus.
Walk in nature - even your own backyard.
Vacation to a new place - Life is about adventure, so create some adventure for your life.
If you enjoy photography - you can include that in your writing, especially poetry, I do that all the time.
Do something that brings you joy and comfort, for instance, one thing I love to this day, is fishing. Which I know is not everyone's cup of tea, but it soothes my soul. I actually don't go to even catch anything. The act of just being free and away from everything, calms my mind.
In closing, we want to encourage everyone to start thinking outside the box of their "normal" everyday routine. Sometimes we get stuck in a pattern that we are used to because it becomes habit. However, those habits can become a hinderance to your writing. Just like emotions. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed and then feel paralyzed by those emotions. Which then breeds the never ending cycle of "repeating".
We do not want any of you to feel helpless, alone, or stuck in a way, that would cause your amazing talents to dwindle. Trust me when I say, I have been there and starting again -is NOT like riding a bike, no matter what anyone tells you. Sometimes we need to work through "stuff" in order to come back better and stronger. That is why we are here.
This whole cookie cutter idea of placing everyone in the same box by category is nonsense! We are nothing alike to each other. Yes, that is right, we are all different. We may have some of the same likes or dislikes, but we are all unique and perfect as we are. Be You, Be Bold, Be Brave, and Free yourself from the mental patterns that this world places upon you. Always do what makes you happy. Do what makes you feel alive. Do what ever it is that gets you up in the morning with a smile on your face and a song in your heart.
In conclusion, we want you to know that you are not alone. There are so many in the world that struggle and become stuck in their own mind, and can no longer write anything. They gave it up and walked away. We do not want that for you. Writing is the expression of ones heart in ink blots, that run down the page of hope. It is a deep soul gripping adventure that only you are able to tell. The only thing one needs to do is change gears, quit doing what is not working, and start something new. Until next time, Be Blessed!