Be Creative
12/17/2023Good Morning
12/29/2023Lesson #1 - Where to start?
Well, to be honest, and I say this without trying to be rude to anyone or downplay what others do, but you have to WANT to do it. Just simply having an idea of becoming a writer is not enough. You will struggle at times, if you are not driven to learn and let go of what holds you back. That is just the facts here.
I hear people say all the time "find your why", which is not wrong, but for someone just starting and not even sure if they want to even be a writer, there has to be something that you WANT out of this. Doing it because you want to either; make money, get noticed, or for whatever other pumped up reason some people encourage others to do it for, it not a reason.
You see, writing is the ability to tell a story. It doesn't matter whether you are writing a fiction or poetry or a news article. It is all about your ability to say what you say and mean what you say, with words understandable by others. That doesn't mean you have to conform to rules, as I do not like rules or being put in a box, but if you cannot even form a logical sentence or have no idea how to convey what you want to say, then that is where you START! Learning is everything. It takes patience with yourself and being brave enough to speak about it.
I will never lie to you, I am an open book, and I believe that being vunerable is what makes a great writer. Some may disagree and that is ok with me. I am not here to please everyone, I am not here to babysit, or to fluff things up for ego supporting.
You have to lose the ego, you have to dig deep down to figure out what it is that you are facing, and then let it all out on paper, organize it into a story, and probaly edit it 10 times before it is ready to be published. There is one simple thing that you will always find here, and that is the upfront honest truth and you will never see or hear anything other than that. We want you to be the best you can be and do what you were created to do. If you really want to write poetry in any form or no form, then here is where you will find just how to effectively accomplish that.
Now, who is ready to get creative and get down to writing some amazing stories?!?!